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WP 5 - Planning Sites and communication

WP5 Objectives

O5.1 – to review the knowledge base and current status regarding the implementation of EB-MSP in European Seas to achieve the environmental policy objectives (from WP1)

O5.2 – to harmonise the testing, refining and application of tools, concepts and scenarios developed in WPs 2-4, 6

O5.3 - to synthesize planning options to achieve specific conservation targets (e.g. 2030-30 %-10%) through EB-MSP and to identify key action points


Work Package Tasks

T5.1 Enabling co-development with stakeholders

In eight archetypic Planning Sites the approaches, tools, and concepts of WP1-4 and 6 will be applied and refined to ultimately deliver an operational EB-MSP decision support system. Across those Planning Sites, WP5 will synchronise and facilitate research activities and ensure internal and external communication. The MarinePlan co-development process will be implemented for each Planning Site, hence requiring a tailored stakeholder engagement process. This task lays the foundation for the co-development of an EB-MSP process template (T1.1) and planning scenarios (T3.3).

Lead: Thuenen & QUB, partners: All (except DFO)

T5.2 Evaluation of data and knowledge to support EB-MSP and conservation prioritisation

Under this task, an overview with regard to the state of the knowledge base for MSP and MPA designations will be produced for each Planning Site (supported by WP2 and 4). This enables WP5 to identify key obstacles, gaps, and challenges to the implementation of EB-MSP and the likelihood of achieving EU policy objectives. This will then feed back into WP1, which develops general guidance for EB-MSP implementation. This evaluation provides for each Planning Site an overview of the current knowledge which is the basis for the (further) development of tools, concepts, and scenarios in WP1-4.

Lead: Thuenen & WR, partners: All (except DFO)

T5.3 Testing and refining tools, concepts and scenarios

The Planning Sites play the central role in testing the EB-MSP implementation process template (WP1) as well as in refining tools and scenarios developed in WPs 2-4 and 6. This feedback process also involves, where possible, a stakeholder verification process which will contribute to the co-development of the planning scenarios (WP3). WP5 will synchronise the testing and refinement of tools by establishing ad hoc thematic “working groups” and workshops for Planning Sites to facilitate close collaborations between project partners and promote cross-fertilization. This also includes a thematic collaboration with experts and other projects funded under the same work program. While WP6 will support the sharing and access to databases for Planning Sites, WP5 will overlook the communication, dissemination, and information flow to ensure the implementation of the MarinePlan open science strategy.

Lead: WR & Thuenen, partners: All (except DFO)

T5.4 Synthesis and communication of planning scenarios

Together with input from WP1-4, WP5 will ascertain the development and selection of appropriate EB-MSP scenarios for each Planning Site. As this is very context-specific the scenarios are expected to vary greatly, yet WP5 will synthesize the information to provide commonalities and lessons learned to obtain planning options to achieve EU policy objectives, specifically the 2030-30%-10% target, through EBMSP. Further key action points to progress the implementation of EB-MSP across EU waters will be derived.

Lead: Thuenen & UAEGEAN, partners: All

Published Deliverables and Outputs

D5.1- Evaluation of EB-MSP and systematic conservation at Planning Sites


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