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Planning Sites are central for MarinePlan

Eight archetypal European MarinePlan Planning Sites have been selected to achieve a broad geographical coverage, encompassing the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Celtic Sea, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Sea. At these Planning Sites project partners will coherently apply the tools developed within the project to derive commonalities, success stories and impediments with regard to the co-development of feasible and realistic planning options to achieve EU Biodiversity strategy targets with the help of EB-MSP.


The Azores is home to a large diversity of deep-sea ecosystems of high natural capital increasingly affected by human activities.

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Bay of Biscay

The Bay of Biscay has specific physiographical boundaries within the North-East Atlantic, having significant ecological value.

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The Campania region hosts high biodiversity and archaeological remnants embedded in areas with high cumulative pressures.

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Map showing the boundries of the planning site
Celtic Sea

The Celtic Sea represents a productive and biodiverse region supporting major fisheries.

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Greek Aegean

Greek Aegean/ Ionian Seas are heavily impacted by local and global stressors.

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Southern North Sea

The Southern North Sea is one of the world’s most urbanised and industrialised maritime areas.

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Western Baltic Sea

The Western Baltic Sea is a transition area between the fully marine areas bordering the North Sea and the brackish parts of the Baltic Sea.

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Western Mediterranean Sea

The Western Mediterranean Sea is subjected to intense and widely spread human pressures.

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