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Within MarinePlan, seven work packages work together to achieve the projects objectives.

WP 1 - EB-MSP knowledge and guidance

WP1 frames the overall EB-MSP decision support system by developing EB-MSP guidelines and identifying the data and knowledge needed for its implementation.


WP 2 - Science-based EBSA and MPA network design

The scientific basis to define EBSAs, to be implemented in the designation of MPA networks, and connectivity criteria and metrics will be developed in WP2.


WP 3 - Prioritisation tools and scenario development

WP3 advances in the implementation of approaches for conservation planning, guides the development of spatial planning scenarios and elaborates the trade-offs of planning options to deliver on the 2030-30%-10% target.


WP 4 - Policy advice and stakeholder engagement

WP4 oversees the co-development of planning scenarios and guides the engagement with pan-European, national and local stakeholders.


WP 5 - Planning Sites and communication

WP5 produces an overview of current EB-MSP processes and strategic conservation planning at all Planning Sites, identifies knowledge gaps and obstacles and issues recommendations on how to effectively implement EB-MSP.


WP 6 - Data management and visualisation tools for EB-MSP

WP6 supports the implementation of the open science strategy and data management, and the development and use of cutting-edge visualization tools for all planning sites.


WP 7 - Project management and dissemination

WP7 is responsible for the overall project coordination and administration and comprises a dedicated task to communication and dissemination.


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