Scientific Articles
Are Mediterranean marine threatened species at high risk by climate change?
Chatzimentor, A., Doxa, A., Katsanevakis, S., & Mazaris, A. D. (2023). Global Change Biology, 29, 1809– 1821.
Contribution of area-based fisheries management measures to fisheries sustainability and marine conservation: a global scoping review.
Petza, D., Anastopoulos, P., Kalogirou, S., et al. (2023). Rev Fish Biol Fisheries.
Current practices in marine systematic conservation planning: protocol for a global scoping review.
Fabbrizzi, E., Giakoumi, S., Petza, D., et al. (2023). Open Res Europe, 3:136.
Current practices in marine systematic conservation planning: protocol for a global scoping review - PRISMA-ScR Checklist.
Fabbrizzi, E., Giakoumi, S., Petza, D., et al. (2023).
Identifying and prioritizing demersal fisheries restricted areas based on combined ecological and fisheries criteria: the western Mediterranean.
Ortega, M., Castro-Cadenas, M. D., Steenbeek, J., & Coll, M. (2023). bioRxiv, 2023-02
Integrated planning for the adaptive management of human activities and supporting marine conservation in the Aegean Sea.
Anagnostou, C., Katsanevakis, S., Kastanidi, E., Streftaris, N., Pagou, K., and Papathanassiou, E. (2023). Integrated Planning for the Adaptive Management of Human Activities and Supporting Marine Conservation in the Aegean Sea. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Managing marine resources sustainably – Ecological, societal and governance connectivity, coherence and equivalence in complex marine transboundary regions.
Elliott M., Borja A., Cormier R. (2023), Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 245, p. 106875
Marcelona. A review of the last twenty years of the maritime city.
Ortega, M., Nogué, B., & Coll, M. (2023). Book chapter. In Barcelona metròpoli empresa. Editorial Virus. Pp 109-125.
Modelling seabirds biodiversity through Bayesian Spatial Beta regression models: A proxy to inform marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea.
Sarzo, B., Martínez-Minaya, J., Grazia Pennino, M., Conesa, D. and Coll, M. (2023). Marine Environmental Research 185.
Systematic evaluation of a spatially explicit ecosystem model to inform area-based management in the deep-sea.
Brito, J., Soszynski, A., Pham, CK., et al. (2023), Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 244, p. 106807
An Ecological Connectivity dataset for Black Sea obtained from Sea Currents.
Nagkoulis, N., Adam, C., Mamoutos, I., Katsanevakis, S., Mazaris, A. (2024). Data in Brief.
Assessing the potential of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) for contributing to conservation targets: A global scoping review protocol.
Petza D., Amorim E., Ben Lamine E., et al. (2024) Open Res Europe, 3:118
Chapter 6.1. A Synthesis of Anthropogenic Impacts and Solutions in Estuarine and Coastal Environments.
Elliott, M., Kennish, M.J. (2024). Volume 6, Treatise on Estuarine & Coastal Sciences, 2nd Edition., Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1-56.
Dynamic marine spatial planning for conservation and fisheries benefits.
Vigo, M., Hermoso, V., Navarro, J., et al. (2024). Fish and Fisheries, 00, 1–17.
Network governance and reflexivity in fisheries mangement: a case study of Northern Ireland.
McAteer, B. and Flannery, W. (2024). Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, pp.1-13.
Protected Mediterranean invertebrates: The known and the unknown.
Stranga, Y., Mazaris, A., and Katsanevakis, S. (2024). Biological Conservation, Vol. 297 (110740).
Science-informed recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of area-based fisheries management for fisheries sustainability and marine conservation: A global mini-review.
Petza, D., and Katsanevakis, S. (2024). Fisheries Research Vol. 272 (106947).
Spatial conservation planning: Proposing clustering methods to improve connectivity protection.
Nagkoulis, N., Papazekou, M., Katsanevakis, S., Mazaris, A. (2024). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00:1-11.
Spatial patterns of β-diversity under cumulative pressures in the Western Mediterranean Sea.
Pennino, G. M., J. P. Zurano, M. Hidalgo, A. Esteban, C. Veloy, J. M. Bellido and M. Coll (2024). Marine Environmental Research 195(106347).
prior3D: An R package for three-dimensional conservation priortization.
Doxa, A., Adam, C., Nagkoulis, N., Mazaris, A., Katsanevakis, S. (2025). Ecological Modelling, Vol. 499 (110919).